First Timers
We thought we would let one of our most inspiring client’s take this part over…

“Congratulations! You have taken a huge leap in your health and fitness goals by deciding to join O2 Fuel. At this point, I’m guessing you’re wondering what on earth you’re getting yourself into, and that’s ok. It’s totally normal.
The purpose of this letter is to welcome you, help you get started with some words of wisdom to ease the nerves, and advise you on how to make the most out of this opportunity. O2 Fuel has helped 1000’s of people reach and surpass their fitness goals. There is no doubt that this program will do the same for you. There are some important things you need to know before starting, and some mental notes to keep in mind throughout the entire journey.
Step 1: Pat Yourself on the Back
You are brave and courageous. Whether you signed up knowing ZERO about this program or you’ve read the success stories for yourself, you have signed up and you are taking a RISK. For most of you, you are stepping out of your comfort zone. Trust me, I know firsthand that this is HUGE. Signing up is your first step, so congratulations!
Step 2: Wipe the Slate Clean
Forget about any and ALL past attempts at losing weight and/or achieving your fitness goals that did not end the way you had hoped. Delete, backspace, cut– whatever you need to do to forget because here’s the thing… it does not matter. The only thing that matters is that you are right here, right now, about to start this program.
Step 3: Surrender
You must surrender yourself to this process. You absolutely cannot under any circumstances cloud your mind with worry about not knowing how to do something or what you look like doing a particular exercise.
DO NOT THINK THAT PEOPLE ARE WATCHING AND JUDGING YOU. Chris told me this on day one and I didn’t believe him but it is soooo true. I know this because I’ve been through this program several times. Everyone in class is concentrating on one thing. They are focusing on themselves. Here is what WE are thinking:
Am I doing this right? Is my form correct? Is my shoe done up tight enough, but not too tight? Crap, I have to pee again! Am I on 9 reps or 10? Please Adam, DO NOT say burpees! Oh yeah, suicide side shuffle box drills…my favourite!!!
That’s it. Those are the thoughts we are thinking. Most of the veterans have shed a lot of weight and were in your shoes. They remember what it was like lacing up on the first day. We are PROUD of you for doing this.
Step 4: Don’t Compare Yourself to Anyone Else
I have to confess, I’m usually slower than my co-fuelers. I always have been. I’ll be on rep 7 when the whole class hits their 12th rep. I’m not going to lie, I was embarrassed at first…for a while actually. It’s only recently that I realized it doesn’t matter.
I am on my own journey. You are on your own journey. Some are slower than others, some are WAY faster than others. What matters is that you don’t cheat yourself. Don’t skip reps just to keep up with the crowd. It’s NOT WORTH IT. Yes, in the moment it will feel nice for everyone to be done at the same time. You won’t feel like you stick out… but you will slow down your progress in the long run and it’s just not worth it. It wastes your investment.
Every week builds on the week before. If you are skipping reps in week one, it will affect you every single week and you won’t get the most out of your workout.
Step 5: Ask for Help! Ask for Help! Ask for Help!
It’s worth repeating, sorry. You are not expected to know everything nor will you be tested at the end of class. The trainers are fantastic at approaching you if you have that “deer caught in headlights” look. They will make sure you understand the exercise. That being said, there are others in class that may also need help, and the coach might not notice right away that you’re stuck. So it is up to you to get their attention and ASK! They are happy to help.
Step 6: Keep Your Eating Clean & Plan, Plan, Plan!
If you disregard every other step, PLEASE follow this one. Here’s the cold hard truth: nothing affects your success in this program more than what you put in your mouth. What you eat directly impacts your results. Adam and Chris have spent YEARS studying what works and what doesn’t. They have been asked every question regarding nutrition. Feel free to ask about nutrition but also take responsibility upon yourself to THROUGHLY read, highlight, and make notes on your nutrition guide beforehand!
You must plan your meals, especially in the beginning. Your appetite will likely increase once you begin O2 Fuel. If you are not prepared, it will be too easy to cheat. I speak from experience here!!! Cut up veggies, prepare extra chicken breasts for the days ahead, cook a few meals on Sunday and FREEZE them for the week. Whatever it takes, this will make all the difference.
Step 7: If All Else Fails, Just Show Up
I have had the WORST days. I have come to class in TEARS. I have messed up my eating and got down on myself. I have been at a plateau. I have been discouraged and have thought about quitting. However, I can HONESTLY tell you 100% without a doubt- I ALWAYS feel better after an O2 Fuel class. ALWAYS. I just have to SHOW UP. When I’m there I am greeted by supportive Fuel mates and my trainers who actually give a damn. Once class starts – I leave it all on the gym floor and I never regret showing up.
Here is WHY: This is not your average group work out. This program requires everything you have, and then some. You will be sore in areas you never knew existed. You will be told to squat lower, run harder, lift heavier and move your feet faster. Even when you think you have used every ounce of your strength and power, you somehow manage to squeeze out one more rep or pick up your speed. I’m not going to lie, you will likely need muscle rub cream, a hot bath and some aspirin the first couple weeks, but you will survive. doesn’t take long for you to start to feel tougher, stronger, clear-headed, and determined. You WILL be in the best shape of your life. This program will change your life…IF you let it.
This is what you signed up for.
THIS IS O2 Fuel.”
Written By: Sarah Rogers, an original O2 Fuel client
Arrive 10-15 minutes early to your first class so we can do the COVID screening, show you where everything is, how to sign in, and answer any questions you may have about your first session. We always start the warm up as soon as the clock hits the exact minute of the session start time. Getting in a proper warm up or lift prep is very important for injury prevention and getting the most out of your workouts -so make sure to be on time for each class!
DURING the session
Bring comfortable workout clothes and shoes that have good ankle support. Look for cross trainers that have a flat heel. Don’t forget to bring water or purchase some at our front lobby. Hydration is very crucial for your health especially during intense training!
AFTER the session
Give your teammates and yourself a high five! Refuel your body with the proper nutrients that fall in line with your nutrition plan, and then… Feel great! Embrace the energy that you feel after an awesome workout! Be proud!

O2 Fuel is a unique training experience where you have your own physically distanced training zone which includes every piece of unshared equipment you need to train in our sessions.

Chris Ttofalli

Jessica Colbourne

Andrew Pelletier

Adam VanHoogenhuize

Janessa Laureano